Taking care of oral health such as brushing your teeth properly is essential to avoid the risk of getting cancer.

In recent years, more and more people are interested in the association between various types of diseases and gums. As proven by scientists, inflammation in the body (including inflammatory diseases and gums) plays a very important role in the accumulation of clogged arteries. Therefore, proper brushing to protect healthy gums is essential.
Although they need further research to prove that maternal elevation is the cause of cancer, you should also pay attention to maternal hygiene.
Above all, the scientists also explained, the high amount of bacteria in the stomach in people with thick tartar plays an important role in the production of carcinogens. Although they need further research to prove that maternal elevation is the cause of cancer, you should also pay attention to maternal hygiene.
Although they need further research to prove that maternal elevation is the cause of cancer, you should also pay attention to maternal hygiene.
Above all, the scientists also explained, the high amount of bacteria in the stomach in people with thick tartar plays an important role in the production of carcinogens. Although they need further research to prove that maternal elevation is the cause of cancer, you should also pay attention to maternal hygiene.
Evidence of cancer was demonstrated in a study conducted in Sweden, published in the British Medical Journal of 1,400 people over 24 years. The researchers found that participants with thick dental plaque were up to 80 percent more likely to die prematurely from cancer.
Brush your teeth at least 2 times a day. This is not uncommon, but some people still often do not brush their teeth enough during the day. Tooth decay can lead to inflammation, and this disease is strongly linked to cancer. In addition, poor oral health for a long time is also prone to cardiovascular disease because infectious bacteria there will arise disease, move to the circulatory system to damage the heart.
Chọn loại bàn chải. Vấn đề này hầu hết bị bỏ qua. Bạn hãy chọn loại bàn chải phù hợp kích thước miệng, sẽ tốt hơn cho răng vì bạn phải dùng hàng ngày. Nếu bàn chải quá lớn, sẽ không vừa miện, bàn chải quá bé thì bạn không thể “chăm sóc” hết vi khuẩn trong các hốc răng.
Rinse your mouth after brushing your teeth. Rinsing your mouth after each brushing helps push bacteria out of your mouth. Swedish scientists found a link between more dental plaque, bacteria or germs and dying from cancer 13 years earlier than expected.
Change the brush regularly. Dentists all recommend replacing your toothbrush every three to four months, or even sooner if the toothbrush is bristled or dull. If you do not want to apply patterns because the brush is in good condition, you should check the bristle brush. Once the bristles lose their normal function and start to flare, you should change the brush. In addition, when the toothbrush bristles change, it is also a warning sign that you need to change another toothbrush.
Wash your toothbrush thoroughly after brushing your teeth. Bacteria can grow on your toothbrush after you brush your teeth if you don't clean it thoroughly after brushing. So you should rinse the brush thoroughly, helping to remove any remaining toothpaste. Because otherwise, after brushing, you can actually put the old bacteria back in the pot.